My Drug in Sidenreng Rappang

My Drug in Sidenreng Rappang

Product Code: BOOK-IP23002  |  Genre: Educational & Professional   |  Subject: Pharmacy


Chief Editor : Dr. Rahmat Pannyiwi
Authors : DR. Rahmat Pannyiwi,
Number of Pages : 85
Language : English
Publication Date : 01-08-2023
Year : 2023
ISBN Number : 978-81-960366-4-5
Binding : eBook
Price Details


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Book Author
DR. Rahmat Pannyiwi

DR. Rahmat Pannyiwi


Lecturer, Department of Nursing Study Program, STIKES Amanah Makassar, Indonesia

About the Book

Globalization has caused many changes in various sectors of people's lives. These changes are not only limited to advances in science and technology and economic income, but also affect deviant behavior in society. On the one hand the development of science and technology shows beneficial results for human life, while on the other hand it will give birth to social diseases such as the emergence of unemployment, social inequality which has an impact on the emergence of a crime.

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