HIV/AIDS control in the context of health policy

HIV/AIDS control in the context of health policy

Product Code: BOOK-JW23009  |  Genre: Educational & Professional   |  Subject: Medical Science


Authors : Dr. Nana Noviana Nadarsyah,
Number of Pages : 107
Language : English
Publication Date : 08-01-2024
Year : 2024
ISBN Number : 978-81-960366-9-0
Binding : eBook
Price Details


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Book Author
Dr. Nana Noviana Nadarsyah

Dr. Nana Noviana Nadarsyah


Regional Research and Innovation Agency of South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia

About the Book

The problems of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and AIDS (Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) are still the main causes of death and decreased work effectiveness among the productive age group. This will cause health problems that can have a big impact in the future if it does not receive intensive attention and treatment. To reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS by implementing effective control policies in accordance with target needs.

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