Publish Health Nursing Service

Publish Health Nursing Service

Product Code: BOOK-GO23003  |  Genre: Health & Fitness   |  Subject: Medical Science


Authors : DR. Rahmat Pannyiwi,
Number of Pages : 69
Language : English
Publication Date : 28-08-2023
Year : 2023
ISBN Number : 978-81-960366-5-2
Binding : eBook
Price Details


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Book Author
DR. Rahmat Pannyiwi

DR. Rahmat Pannyiwi


Lecturer, Department of Nursing Study Program, STIKES Amanah Makassar, Indonesia

About the Book

Community is a group or collection of being in a society where they have something in common values, concerns and also included in a special group with clear geographic boundaries consisting of norms, values that have been integrated. One example if associated with. It is known that there are groups of pregnant women, groups of breastfeeding mothers, groups of children under five, groups of the elderly, and community groups in an area of assisted villages and so on (Sukardin et al., 2023). Communities are individuals who live in certain areas who have values, beliefs and have the same interest in interacting with each other to achieve goals (Mubarak & Chatin 2009) in (Mubarak et al., 2022). According to WHO in Ayupir (2022) emphasizes that community is a social group of people where they live together, need each other and interact with each other and of course they also have the same interests and goals. The various limitations regarding the community stated above, the authors conclude that the community is a group of individuals who live in a certain area who have relatively the same values, beliefs, interests, and live together. by interacting with each other to achieve goals together.

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