The Lexicon of Animal Sciences (Volume - 3)

The Lexicon of Animal Sciences (Volume - 3)

Product Code: BOOK-ZQ23012  |  Genre: Educational & Professional   |  Subject: Zoology


Authors : Dr. S. P. Venkata Ramana,
Edition : 3rd
Number of Pages : 153
Language : English
Publication Date : 19-01-2024
Year : 2024
ISBN Number : 978-81-968869-4-3
Binding : Hard Bound
Price Details
Hard Bound


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Book Author
Dr. S. P. Venkata Ramana

Dr. S. P. Venkata Ramana

Associate Professor

Department of Zoology, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India

About the Book

Animal science is simply the collective study of domestic animals. This includes every aspect from conception to death, behaviors to management, physiology to nutrition and reproduction to product distribution. Several terminologies in animal science and other related information are the most important tools in the studies. Volume 3 consists of the following chapters: Cytology, Immunology, Metabolic regulation and cell function, Animal Biotechnology, Microbiology, Neurobiology, Animal Physiology, Environmental biology and Zoonotic Diseases.

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