Collaborative career guidance-a responsive model for 21st century

Collaborative career guidance-a responsive model for 21st century

Product Code: BOOK-22-15  |  Genre: Educational & Professional   |  Subject: Education


Authors : Constance Chifamba,
Number of Pages : 69
Language : English
Publication Date : 26-06-2023
Year : 2023
ISBN Number : 978-81-960366-3-8
Binding : eBook
Price Details


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Book Author
Constance Chifamba

Constance Chifamba

Senior Lecturer

Department of Education, Solusi University, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

About the Book

We all like to make choices; it may be choosing ice cream flavour or color of a dress or shirt. Everyone has reasons for whatever choices they make. Bad choices are usually associated with regrets and frustrations. Then we always hope for a second chance if ever. Unfortunately, sometimes wrong choices may be difficult to reverse and live with those consequences for some time or for life. Have you ever wondered why it is necessary to choose a career? Definitely it is important to make good and informed career choices to avoid scars, frustrations and regrets. To be able to make good choices, we really need some guidance from someone who is experienced in the field (Holland, 1973). These experienced others play a significant role in career guidance, especially if they work collaboratively in their concerted efforts. Although we live in this information age where one can get information at the click of a button we still need guidance to know which information is relevant and authentic.

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