Publish your book with Synsto.

At Synsto Book Publishing, we believe that every story has the power to change lives. Let us be your partner in bringing your story to the world..


K. V. Bhagyasree K. V. Bhagyasree

Research Scholar

Dr. V. V. Bala Subramanyam Dr. V. V. Bala Subramanyam

Assistant Professor

Dr. Amanpreet Singh Sran Dr. Amanpreet Singh Sran

Assistant Professor

Deepak Kumar Deepak Kumar

Assistant Professor

Dr. S. P. Venkata Ramana Dr. S. P. Venkata Ramana

Associate Professor

डॉ. कृष्ण कुमार सिंह डॉ. कृष्ण कुमार सिंह

सहायक प्रोफेसर

Dr. Ashaq Manzoor Dr. Ashaq Manzoor

Assistant Professor

ब्रह्मानन्द बैरवा ब्रह्मानन्द बैरवा

सहायक प्रोफेसर

Publish Your Own Book with Synsto

Publish Your Own Book

Synsto is home where you can publish all types of books across different genres and languages like - research book, poetry book, short stories, novel, fiction book, academic book, technical book, children’s storybook and lots more. if you have an exceptional idea for a particular type of book, perhaps some chapters no problem.

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Fast Publication Process

Here is the steps done under the fast publication process.


Great fast review process where we check your book quality or content that meets our policy.


We have simple easy publishing options to publish your book with great experience.


We have print-on-demand, fast printing with no minimum order quantity or hidden charges.


We have lots of options to distribute your book in your way and the global store.

Why Choose Synsto?

Here is some keys to know about us.

Why choose Synsto

Get real-time sales alert

You don't even need to wait to hear back from the publisher or look ahead for a few months. You will have full control over your books in the business timeline.


Fast publication with us

Why stay awake for a year to see how well your book is doing? Get notified whenever someone sells a copy of your book anywhere in the world.


Earn more on every sales

Don't be satisfied with meagre royalties or an annual payout. Earn the most money from your book sales and get paid every month.


Real-time progress tracking

Know precisely where your book is in the business procedure and thus the timelines.

Services We Provide

Below mentioned all the service that we serve.


Editing and Designing

We have a more incredible team of editors and designers to edit your book and design the cover page



Synsto also provide book and chapters typesetting services that set your more elegant


ISBN & Copyright

ISBN and Copyright services also provide Synsto for your book and its authentic.


Printing & Publishing

Synsto provides a wide range of printing and publishing services for authors and writers around the globe.


E-book Conversion

We convert your book into ebook format with beautiful fonts and graphics.


Marketing & Promotion

We promote your book on various platforms and market your book in many ways to get your book known by the world

Publish and Sell in Simple Way

Publish and Sell in Simple Way Synsto

Publish and sell in both print and e-book formats

Don't limit your book to a single format. Sell your book in print and e-book formats worldwide.


Publish your book in Hardbound, Paperback and Ebook formats

If you want your book to look premium and sleek, just publish it with us in a variety of formats.


Publish at very low and affordable price

Don't pay a lot of money; simply publish your book with us at a very low and affordable price.

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